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Who is the Right Candidate for Perineoplasty?

  • If you keep overall good health.
  • If you don’t smoke as smoking can impact the healing process.
  • If you experience vaginal looseness, reduced sexual pleasure, and bowel problems. 


At Kimble Center, we assess your condition to find out if perineoplasty is right for you. Otherwise, we have other treatments available to address your intimate health conditions. 

Is Perineoplasty Recommended if you’re still having babies?

You can still have children after undergoing a perineoplasty, although you should keep in mind that having another child can create new problems that you may need surgery to correct. We typically recommend waiting until after you have completed your family if you choose perineoplasty for cosmetic reasons. During a consultation with Drs. Kimble, we can determine whether perineoplasty is the right solution for you. Our center offers a range of surgical and non-surgical treatments, and a customized approach may be recommended for the best results

Safety Precautions to Follow After Perineoplasty

  • Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activities for some weeks or the timeline suggested by the doctor.
  • Prefer sitting on a donut cushion to improve your comfort during the recovery period.
  • Avoid sexual intercourse for 6 to 8 weeks.
  • Avoid using tampons for several weeks.
  • Follow all post-operative care instructions seriously.
  • Keep the area clean and dry.

What to Expect Before Perineoplasty Surgery

Before perineoplasty surgery, patients should be aware of certain preparations:
  • Blood thinning medications may be prescribed to you for four weeks before and after surgery.
  • You can be asked to AVOID certain medications such as diet pills, herbal remedies, and anti-diabetic medications.
  • You can be prescribed antibiotics to prevent the risk of post-procedural infections.

What to Expect After Perineoplasty Surgery

Following perineoplasty surgery, patients may experience:


  • Discomfort, Swelling, and Spot Bleeding: These are normal and typically subside over time.
  • Return to Work: Patients can usually resume work one week after the surgery.
  • Hygiene Care: Maintaining cleanliness is crucial for proper healing.
  • Gradual Resumption of Activities: Routine activities can be resumed after four days, but penetrative sexual intercourse should be avoided for 6-8 weeks.

Understanding the Recovery after Perineoplasty

Before perineoplasty surgery, patients should be aware of certain preparations:

  • Blood thinning medications may be prescribed to you for four weeks before and after surgery.
  • You can be asked to AVOID certain medications such as diet pills, herbal remedies, and anti-diabetic medications.
  • You can be prescribed antibiotics to prevent the risk of post-procedural infections.

What to Expect After Perineoplasty Surgery

Risks and Complications Associated with Perineoplasty   While risks and complications are infrequent, it’s essential to be aware of potential issues, including:
  • Excessive Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Tightening of the Vaginal Opening
  • Unbearable Pain and Discomfort
  • Unusual Odor Discharge
  • Abscess Formation
  • Fistula Formation


Step 1: Schedule Your Consultation

Start by scheduling a consultation with our renowned surgeons through our convenient online booking system. Upon booking, you will receive a patient portal link to upload your relevant medical records. You can also speak with our friendly intimate aesthetic coordinators, who can guide you through the process and discuss your concerns. We may request your medical history to determine if you are a candidate for treatment or surgery at our center.

Step 2: In-Person Consultation

Ideally, we recommend an in-person consultation with Drs. Kimble. However, for out-of-town clients, we can conduct a virtual consultation to begin the process. During this consultation, Drs. Kimble will carefully listen to your concerns, assess your condition, and develop a personalized surgical plan tailored to your goals. The consultation fee is $700, which will be applied to the cost of your surgery.

Step 3: Preoperative Visit

Before your surgery, you will have a preoperative visit with our intimate aesthetic coordinators. They will ensure that you are fully prepared for your big day. This may involve assisting with hotel arrangements, transportation, post-operative plans, care instructions, medications, and even coordinating a special photo shoot to capture your transformation.

Step 4: The Surgery Day

On the scheduled day of your surgery, our expert surgical team will provide you with safe, professional, and compassionate care. 

Step 5: Recovery and Transformation

Following your surgery, we prioritize your comfort, aiming for a safe and painless recovery process. 

Talk to Our Designer Vagina Specialist Now!

Experience the life-changing benefits of designer vagina surgery and embrace a newfound sense of empowerment and confidence. Wait no more and schedule your appointment today! 

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