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As many as one-third of people with vaginas will encounter some degree of vaginal prolapse at some point in life. Vaginal prolapse occurs when the supports that ordinarily hold pelvic organs in place weaken and stretch, causing the vaginal vault to drop into the vaginal canal and in more extreme cases, protrude from the vaginal opening. Childbirth, menopause, and weight gain are all common causes of vaginal prolapse.
For persons living with troublesome stress incontinence who are hoping to avoid surgery, or anesthsia, or those whose leakage is caused predominantly by issues with the sphincter muscle surrounding the urethra, periurethral bulking may be a wonderful treatment solution.
Expert vulvovaginal surgeons Dr. David Kimble and Dr. Alexis May Kimble offer next-caliber tailored aesthetic and urogynecological care for people with vaginas in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Pasadena.
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